Outside of Chicago, Ben Franklin Plumbing of Northern Illinois and pipe lining supplier and manufacture, Perma-Liner™ Industries, LLC., save the day at former home of DeKalb Ag Giant Tom Roberts III. Deigned in the early 1970s, this property has maintained its charm Harry Weese, a famous Chicago architect put into this property. A signature feature to this property is the swimming pool that is shaped like an ear of corn. The newest owners of this historic home were planning a pool party for their father who would be turning, 80 years-old. The only thing putting this party on hold was the pool! The drain pit and piping of the pool had cracked and caused water to leak. The pool was not functioning properly and needed to be fixed before the party. Replacing the broken pit and pipe would be costly, delay the party and ruin the lawn and landscape. Ben Franklin of Northern Illinois used Perma-Liner™ pipe lining equipment and materials to line 10” cast iron drain pit and the 4” drain pipe. The job was successful and the pool was up and running in no time. The party went on, gathering friends, family all the grand kids. The party was also another huge success and all the grand kids had a blast in the pool! The pool’s drain pit and pipe now have 50 more years of life and the integrity of the architecture was kept in place for this historic home. If you live in the Chicago area and want to learn more, contact us today!
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