Why is CIPP Rehabilitation Alone Not Sufficient for a Sealed System?
It is presumed that the resin in CIPP Liners bonds with host pipe, creating an effective watertight seal after cure. The truth is that resin

Approvals & Standards – Are They End Game or Path Markers?
By John M Heisler Approvals & Standards – Are They End Game or Path Markers? “I’ve been installing liners for a while now and ran

Tried & Tested Materials
My usual supplier provided me with a “new improved” product but after several failures of the new improved lining material I’m not so sure. How

Casting the Future of Pipe Rehabilitation
Casting the Future of Pipe Rehabilitation When two leaders in a field see an opportunity to combine forces the outcome can become more than the

CIPP: Everyone’s doing it, except Chicago
For months, Andersonville residents have been voicing their displeasure over the potential loss of fully mature trees in their neighborhood due to new water main

The Time is Now: Invest in State’s Infrastructure
It’s the trending theme around the nation when it comes to water infrastructure. It’s aging and people need to start getting serious about its needs.